Firstly, the program is designed for people who would like to start their own small business while keeping their job. Hence the name "Extra Money Real Estate." People can now acquire a real estate license by taking a one-week-long (4o hour) online real estate class, pass the state licensing exam, and put their license with the Extra Money Real Estate company. They DO NOT practice real estate!
They do, however, collect referral fees every time someone they know buys or sells property when they connect the buyer or seller with a practicing real estate agent.
The second component is the buyer or seller. By connecting the referred buyer or seller to a trusted experienced practicing agent, the consumer receives more comprehensive representation, better information resources, and greater support throughout the buying or selling process.
Thirdly, an experiences practicing real estate agent is associated with the Extra Money Real Estate agent. The experienced agent brings value to the first two components by offering help to both the agent, helping them find people they can refer who want to buy or sell properties, and the consumer, by representing their best interests as a trusted professional throughout the transaction.
The experienced real estate agent benefits by greater exposure to people who need their services.